The Exchange: Connections for us, by us
A room full of Black women ready and willing to connect, listen and learn…say less. Join ThriveIN for THE EXCHANGE, a first-of-its-kind speed mentoring and networking event bringing women of color professionals together to exchange advice, wisdom and best practices to foster tangible growth in their careers.
Who’s It For: One thing about us, we don’t gatekeep. College, fresh out of college, manager, entrepreneur — whatever your title, profession or industry, if you are a Black girl or woman working, and are looking to connect and receive advice from women who’ve been in your shoes and are now thriving, this event is for you.
Date: Friday, May 17, 2024
Time: 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Location: The Junto Hotel — Franklin Ballroom (77 Belle St, Columbus, OH 43215)
Cost: $75 (cost includes continental breakfast and beverages)
Side Note: Sis! You don’t have to use your money or your PTO to attend this event. Most companies have funds set aside for employee professional development. Here’s a letter/email template to provide to your manager or HR leader.