#QuarantineLifeHack: Vegan Grocery Shopping for Beginners
Britany King, Founder, Life.Health.Strength
Has #QuarantineLife got you thinking about changing up your diet or trying new foods? If so, you’re in the right place. We tapped Vegan foodie and founder of Life.Health.Strength Britany King for a few vegan-friendly grocery shopping tips to get you started.
My name is Britany, and I am the creator of Life.Health.Strength. I created this brand because of my growing interest in nutrition and veganism, my passion for encouraging women, and my desire to show people that being diagnosed with an incurable disease does not mean your disease defines you, it does not mean there is no hope, and it does not have to mean medication for the rest of your life.
Five years ago I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a hormonal disorder that causes cysts to develop on or in a woman’s ovaries. It can lead to symptoms such as menstrual irregularity, infertility, excess androgen levels, obesity, and acne, just to name a few. It is a condition that cannot be cured, but can be treated with several medications. At the time of my diagnosis I had never heard of this disease, however when my gynecologist told me that 1 in 10 women have PCOS, and there is a treatment plan to reduce symptoms, I obliged and promptly went home to do my research.
I learned about the side effects of the medications meant to treat PCOS and how, in lieu of medication, some women successfully cured their PCOS, or significantly reduced their symptoms, by simply switching to a plant-based diet. Upon experiencing some of the adverse side effects of my treatment, I decided I would have to make some changes. It was not until 4 months after receiving my diagnosis, that I decided I would adopt a plant-based diet.
Since then, I have seen a vast improvement and some of my symptoms have completely gone away. The more I learn, the more I want to share. I never tell anyone they need to become vegan, but if you are considering making some changes, I am here to answer as many questions as I can and offer all the support you need.
Whether you are new to the plant-based lifestyle, or you are simply looking for ways to make grocery shopping easier, here are my top 5 tips:
Vegan-Friendly Grocery Shopping Tips
See below.
1. Plan your meals.
Yes, the work actually starts at home before you even get to the grocery store. While planning your meals, consider what items you already have at home. This helps reduce waste and sometimes, even pushes us to get creative in the kitchen.
2. Make a list.
This is truly a time saver and will prevent you from spending more time and money than you need to when shopping. If you have planned out your meals, you will know exactly what items you need and what sections to avoid in the store.
3. Don’t believe the hype. Going vegan is not as expensive as you might think.
If your budget is tight during a particular week, consider creating meals from whole food items, or foods that have not been heavily processed. I know becoming vegan sounds expensive, but if your diet mainly consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, you will find that your budget goes a lot farther than you thought.
4. Read the labels.
I cannot tell you how many times I was excited to try a new “Dairy Free” dressing, or “All Natural” juice, and upon reading the label discovered ingredients like casein or gelatin. Just because a product says “Dairy Free” does not mean that it is vegan. It could still have by-products of meat. “All Natural” does not always mean, unprocessed, no GMOs, no artificial ingredients or colors; and it does not mean plant-based or vegan. For a detailed list of what ingredients to look out for while reading labels, check out my Free Veganism 101 eBook here.
5. Be open.
Finally, try your best to keep an open mind and do not be afraid to try new things. Prior to becoming vegan, my diet was very limited. Since becoming vegan, I have expanded my palate and discovered a new joy and excitement for cooking. Be gentle with yourself on this journey and have some fun!
For more vegan meal and lifestyle tips, follow Britany on Instagram at @Life.Health.Streghth. and subscribe to her YoutTube page.